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Price: $(USD) 291
Course Level
Delivery Method
On-Demand Self-Study Course
Professional Development Credit Hours
There is no pre-requisite for this course.


All on-demand self-study courses are written by members of our Faculty in their areas of expertise.


NASBA: Mennta Energy Solutions is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:

CPD Certification Services: The CPD Certification Service works with Mennta Energy Solutions to ensure valuable knowledge is structured to complement the universal guidelines of Continuing Professional Development. Mennta Energy Solutions courses are approved by CPD at one credit per training hour.

Overview of Sustainable Fuels (ON-DEMAND) - OSF

Course Summary

This course provides an introduction to sustainable fuels, including conventional and advanced biofuels, renewable fuels manufactured from biological and non-biological materials, hydrogen, and its derivatives. You will learn how these fuels are made, how they can be used, and their key quality characteristics. We survey the existing and projected use of sustainable fuels in transport (road, aviation, and marine), and their role in the energy transition towards a world with net zero emissions.

Who Should Attend?

Course Content

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Distinguish between conventional biofuels and other types of sustainable fuels
  • Point out the main drivers behind the adoption of sustainable fuels in the transport sector
  • Identify the main source materials that are needed for sustainable fuel production
  • Identify the key conventional biofuels, how they are produced and used
  • Distinguish between the quality of petroleum-derived fuels and biofuels
  • Recognize the different production pathways for creating sustainable aviation fuels
  • Point out how hydroprocessing can create fuels including HVO renewable diesel
  • Distinguish between the different ‘colors’ of hydrogen and how they are made
  • Recognize the main renewable fuels of non-biological origin that can be derived from hydrogen
  • Recognize the key regulatory approaches to sustainable fuels, including renewable fuel standards
  • Identify some of the limitations that constrain the expansion of sustainable fuel production
  • Point out the applications for sustainable fuels that are most likely to contribute to global decarbonization
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