mennta energy solutions mennta energy solutions

Course Registration

Course Title: Combined Cycle Power Generation (ON-DEMAND) - CCPG
Registration Deadline:
Start and End Dates:
Course Price: $(USD) 291

Registration price - $(USD) 291

PLEASE NOTE: The course presentation and materials are in English.

Delegates Information

Payment details

Pay by credit card (An invoice with a link to our secure payment processing partner will be emailed within one business day.)
Pay by wire transfer (An invoice with wire transfer details will be emailed within one business day.)

Policies and Visas

By completing this registration form, you have committed to pay for your course and agreed to our policies on cancellations, privacy and course usage.

Payment Policy

Payment must be made prior to the start date of the course. All payments must be made free of all local, withholding, and other taxes and other charges including bank transfer and commissions.

Cancellation Policy

Should you need to cancel your registration you will be subject to one of the following penalties:

  • 40 days or less before the course: No cancellations permitted. Payment of course fees is required and non-refundable. You may provide a substitute in your place at no extra cost.
  • 41 – 90 days before the course: Cancellations permitted, with a cancellation fee of 20% of the course fee applied.
  • 91+ days before the course: Cancellations permitted, with a cancellation fee of 7.5% of the course fee applied

Mennta Energy Solutions reserves the right to restrict attendance in the event payment is not received by due date. Course joining instructions will not be provided without payment.

In the event the course is cancelled entirely by Mennta Energy Solutions, liability is limited to the refund of the course fee only. If an event is cancelled, registered attendees will be immediately notified by email. A courtesy phone call will be placed as well.

Privacy Policy

Please click here to review our GDPR compliant privacy policies.

Course Usage Policy

All materials made available to the Attendees as part of the Course are, and shall at all times remain, the intellectual property of Mennta Energy Solutions and its Partners. Mennta Energy Solutions and its Partners hereby grants the Attendee the non-exclusive right to use said materials in its normal business operations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no rights are granted to the Attendee to record, copy, translate, adapt or use said materials.

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