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Complete Course Library → Transportation & Storage

A Practical Approach to LNG Shipping (VIRTUAL) – TDLNGV

A Practical Understanding of Commercial Risks in Laytime and Demurrage (CLASSROOM) - TDL

Chartering in the Tanker Industry (VIRTUAL) - TDV

Downstream Distribution in the Oil Industry (ON-DEMAND) - DDO

Downstream Oil Business (ON-DEMAND) - DSOB

European Gas: Security of Supply (ON-DEMAND) - EGSS


Fundamentals of Gas Storage (CLASSROOM) - FGS

Fundamentals of Gas Storage (VIRTUAL) - GS

Fundamentals of Oil, Petrochemicals and Gas Shipping (CLASSROOM) - TD1

Fundamentals of Oil, Petrochemicals and Gas Shipping (VIRTUAL) - TD1V

Fundamentals of Oil Storage (CLASSROOM) - FOS

International LPG Trading and Pricing - Supply, Shipping Contracts and Risk Management (CLASSROOM) - LP2

International LPG Value Chain (VIRTUAL) - LPGV

Introduction to Oil Shipping (ON-DEMAND) - IOS

Introduction to Shipping Contracts (ON-DEMAND) - ISC

Introduction to the Aviation Fuels Market (ON-DEMAND) - IAFM

Laytime and Demurrage Advanced Principles & Concepts (VIRTUAL) - TDLD2

Laytime & Demurrage: Fundamental Principles & Concepts (VIRTUAL) - TDLDV


LNG Contracts Across the Value Chain (CLASSROOM) - LNGVC

LNG Contracts Across the Value Chain (VIRTUAL) - LNGC

LNG Shipping: The Centre of Global Gas Supplies Harmonising the Upstream, Downstream and Mid Stream (CLASSROOM) - TDLNG

LNG’s Role in Stabilising European Energy Now and in the Future (VIRTUAL) - LNGE

Marine Biosecurity (VIRTUAL) - MBS

Maritime Trade Sanctions Compliance (VIRTUAL) - MTS

Master Class on Bills of Lading & Charter Party Clauses – TDBL

Mastering Oil Trading Concepts (CLASSROOM) - OTO2

Mastering Oil Trading Concepts (VIRTUAL) - OTO2V

Mexican Energy Reform – US Export Opportunities (ON-DEMAND) - MER

North American Crude-by-Rail (ON-DEMAND) - NACR

North American Electricity Fundamentals (VIRTUAL) - NAEF

North American Natural Gas Physical & Financial Fundamentals (CLASSROOM) - NGPF

North American Natural Gas Physical & Financial Fundamentals (VIRTUAL) - NGPFV

Oil Storage Overview (ON-DEMAND) - OSO

Oil Supply & Trading: Pricing, Markets, Strategies, & Hedging (CLASSROOM) - OSTP

Oil Supply & Trading: The International Industry Value Chain (CLASSROOM) - OSTC

Oil Trading Orientation (CLASSROOM) - OTO

Oil Trading Orientation (VIRTUAL) - OTOV

Overview of European Natural Gas and Electric Power (CLASSROOM) - ENGP

Overview of North American Energy Pipelines (ON-DEMAND) - ONAP

Overview of Physical Crude Oil Trading and Operations (CLASSROOM) - CT

Overview of Physical Oil Operations (VIRTUAL) - OOO

Overview of the Gas Value Chain (ON-DEMAND) - GVC

Overview of the LNG Value Chain (CLASSROOM) - LNG1

Overview of the LNG Value Chain (VIRTUAL) - LNG1V

Overview of the Oil Value Chain (ON-DEMAND) - OVC

Principles of Tanker Ownership, Chartering, Operations, Laytime and Demurrage (CLASSROOM) - TD2L

Tanker Ownership and Chartering - Advanced Strategies and Risk Management (CLASSROOM) - TD4

Tanker Ownership, Chartering and Operations (CLASSROOM) - TD2

Terminals - Storage and Blending Opportunities (ON-DEMAND) - TSBO

The Chemicals Shipping Market - Chartering and Operations (CLASSROOM) - TD3

The Emerging US LNG Export Marketplace (ON-DEMAND) - USLNG

The Gas Chain Concept - Industry Structure, Economics, and Pricing (CLASSROOM) - NG3

The Oil and Gas Value Chain (CLASSROOM) - OGVC

The US Rack Market (ON-DEMAND) - RACK

Trading applications of Battery Storage (VIRTUAL) - BESS

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